I noen tilfeller er det mest gunstig å vedlikeholde en eksisterende e!COCKPIT applikasjon med den samme e!COCKPIT versjonen som ble opprinnelig brukt til å lage applikasjonen.
Linker til grunnpakkene for noen utvalgte gamle e!COCKPIT versjoner:
e!COCKPIT v1.5.1.1: https://wago.sharepoint.com/:u:/s/S_SupportCenterDownloads/EbzSEVX8gClEriXit-u3LhUBvcQOPKWfA3J1_1w4DJVnGA?e=gnr7bo
e!COCKPIT v1.6.0.7: https://wago.sharepoint.com/:u:/s/S_SupportCenterDownloads/EVrdr42B1n5EqUiz9WS2yFkB-MQqzaaDT7jKHTfAWN2vjg?e=rCcmCC
e!COCKPIT v1.7.0.5: https://wago.sharepoint.com/:u:/s/S_SupportCenterDownloads/EbB6sASQcZpAhg18jf9CkSMBB72Gdq9YWxI4qOUHee9eFw?e=vn8BX6
e!COCKPIT v1.8.0.2: https://wago.sharepoint.com/:u:/s/S_SupportCenterDownloads/EUSqMjf1zflMuwJIxIbCzugBBqrpXRtJ4IQ5pn4g_12qfQ?e=tp23vn
e!COCKPIT v1.9.0.4: https://wago.sharepoint.com/:u:/s/S_SupportCenterDownloads/ETojadQwJu1LvNh32UlxKiwBSwHyUy0OWR22BMH5mXyDng?e=tqOJO7 Installasjonsmerknad fra Wagos hovedkontor om grunnpakkene ovenfor: When downloading files from the Internet, Windows saves additional information (e.g., “Alternate Data Streams” or ADS) that identifies files from external sources as such – this can lead to malfunctions. Directly after downloading the installation archive, please proceed as follows: • Right-click the unpacked ZIP file and select “Properties”. • Click the “allow” button (Windows 7) or select the checkbox next to “allow” (Windows 10). • Click OK to confirm. • You can then unpack the installation archive as usual and start the installation.
Tilhørende e!COCKPT Service Pack:
Service Pack 1 for e!COCKPIT v1.9.0.4: https://wago.sharepoint.com/:u:/s/S_SupportCenterDownloads/Ee1P7NTx6wBBsID0XqYYAjgB5zhTqPB7HJ_fULXaIbOKcg?e=1X1aE2 Installasjonsmerknad fra Wagos hovedkontor om oppdateringspakken ovenfor: 1. Unzip the ZIP folder contained in the download link. 2. Go to the Backstage view under Updates & Addons and deactivate "Select search for updates in local folder" and "Search for updates at WAGO. 3. Select the unzipped ZIP folder as the target folder under "e! COCKPIT will search for local updates in this folder". 4. Click on "Search for updates" and select Service Pack 1. 5. Select "I accept the WAGO SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT" for installation.
Service Pack 2 for e!COCKPIT v1.7.0.5: https://wago.sharepoint.com/:u:/s/S_SupportCenterDownloads/EQH6nFT-XzRHkGsuXnMHm9oBVHZpj Installasjonsmerknad fra Wagos hovedkontor om oppdateringspakken ovenfor: 1. Close e!COCKPIT version 2. Create a folder with the name DTP in the path C: \ ProgramData \ WAGO Software \ e! COCKPIT \ Startup \ Import. ProgramData is a hidden directory. 3. Unzip the archive from the download link directly into the DTP folder (https://). 4. Start e! COCKPIT, the new DTPs will be installed.